OPDIPDICUNICUEmergency Services (24x7)Pathology LabPhysiotherapy CenterX-Ray/UltrasoundPharmacyOperation TheaterAmbulance Services (24X7)Labour RoomAll types of VaccinationAll types of major & Minor OperationYoga & MeditationOPD OPD Kaya Chikitsa Treatment of intense and ongoing illnesses by Ayurvedic Medicines through forte of Kaya-Chikitsa (Department of Medicine) such as Diabetes Melitus ,Pychological Disturbances – (insomnia-Sleep Disorder, Migraine, Depression, Anxity), Cardio Vascular Disease(Heart), Kidney Disease, Centeral Nervous System, Respiratory Disease, Uro-Genital Disorders, etc Panchakarma Ayurveda describes panchakarma as the base of all treatments as it focuses on balancing the biological body. panchakarma is the procedure of detoxification of the body. the main five Karmas are Vaman Karma, Virechana, Basti, Nasya Karma and Raktamokshana to get the body detoxify such as lifestyle Disorders, Diabetes Melitus ,Mental Disturbances – (Epilepsy, insomnia-Sleep Disorder, Migraine, Depression, Anxity), Cardio Vascular Disease(Heart), Kidney Disease, Neuro Muscular Disorders-(Cervical Spondylosis, Degenerative Changes of spine like slip disc bulge, slip disc, sciatica etc)Disease, Uro-Genital Disorders(Gout, infertility, impotency), Skin Diseases(psoriasis, lichen planus, leprosy, Aging Signs, Leucoderma, Vitilgo, Nodular acne) etc Shalya Chikitsa Shalya chikitsa is the surgical branch of Ayurveda.Which deals with the surgical management of Haemorrhoid – Piles, Fissure in Ano, Fistula in Ano, Pilonidal Sinus, Calcaneal Spur – Heel Spur, Benign & Malignant Growths, Circumcision, Hydrocele, Cellulitis, Ischemic limb, Pemphigus Vulgaris etc Shalakya Tantra The branch is also described as urdhwang chikitsa . Urdhwang means the body part above the shoulder and chikitsa which signifies treatment. The disorder treated in shalakya tantra department are Treatment of eye (netra rog ) Nose (nasa rog) Ear (karna rog ) Oral cavity ( mukh rog ) Head (shiro rog ) . Disease are treated through various ayurvedic procedures like Aschyotanam , Anjanam ,tarpan ,Nasyam, Shiro dhara , Karanpuran , Karandhoopan etc . Obs & gynae. Stri Roga and Prasuti Tantra is a branch of Ayurveda dealing with Stri Roga (Gynaecological disorders) and Prasuti (Obstetrics).A branch of medication that specializes within the care of ladies during pregnancy and childbirth and in the analysis and treatment such as Uterus fibrosis, Infertility, Dysmenorrhea, white Discharge through various Ayurvedic procedure like uttar basti, yoni prachalan, yoni picchu, yoni varti Bal Roga Pediatrics is the part of medication managing the wellbeing and clinical consideration of babies, kids, and youths from birth up to the age of 14. such as Congenital Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Mental Disorders, Malnutrition IPD IPD Well prepared Inpatient Department (I.P.D)) having General wards, Private wards, ICU and NICU .24×7 hrs Ambulance Services 45 Bedded General Ward 13 Bedded Private Ward 4 Bedded Intensive Care Unit(ICU) 5 Bedded Neonatal Intensive Care Unit(NICU) ICU COER hospital has well equipped ICU (Intensive Care Unit) with all health care support system like ventilator, Bipap machine, oxygen concentrators, Emergency Medicine with the team of well experienced doctors to cater all emergency situations like (X-MDR) Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis, Post traumatic care, surgeries, etc NICU New born babies who need intensive medical care are often put in a special care area of the hospital called The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Neonatol refers to the first 28 days of life (4 weeks). Equipments available in NICU is Incubator to maintain environmented condition for a Neonate, Blood Pressure Monitor, Oxygen hood for respiratory system, Ventilator to improve lungs and respiratory function. Hospital facility or unit staffed and equipped to provide continuous mechanical ventilatory support for a newborn infant. Care given in an intensive care nursery for seriously ill neonates who require intensive skilled management by nursing and medical staff. The following equipment are recommended for care of the critically ill :intensive care incubator or unit with overhead he ating, respiratory or apnoeal monitor, heart rate monitor, intra vascular blood pressure transducer or surface blood pressure , recorder, transcutaneous pO2 monitor or intravascular oxygen transducer, etc. Emergency Services (24x7) Emergency Services (24x7) Road Traffic Accidents Diarrhea Hypoglycemia Poisoning Trauma & minor Injuries Burn Laceration Bleeding Heart attack & hypertension Seizures or Convulsion Stroke Electrocution Bites/Stings Respiratory Obstruction Pathology Lab Pathology Lab Pathology is the branch of medical science that provides diagnostic information to patients and clinicians. COER Hospital Provides the facility of the pathology test given below: Complete Blood Count (CBC) Liver Function Test(LFT) Kidney Function Test (KFT) Lipid Profile Test MP, Typhi dot, HIV, HCV, HBSAg, Dengue, V.D.R.L Test Fasting, Random & PP sugar Test SGOT, SGPT Test urea and creatinine Test etc Physiotherapy Center Physiotherapy Center A well prepared Physiotherapy Center has been set up .All the necessary types of gear identified with Physiotherapy are accessible here. Patients experiencing different Inflammatory °enerative arthropathies like Osteo Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lumber Spondylitis, Cervical Spondylitis, Prolapsed Intervertebral Disk and other neurological shortages are treated with the blend of Physiotherapy & Panchakarma methods. Through different Physiotherapy methods we help each patient to accomplish ideal recuperation from torment & incomfort. The center is to improve practical developments, exercises of every day life and to improve the general personal satisfaction through: Easing torment & inconvenience. Advancing mending measure Reestablishing and improving practical versatility and engine quality. Distinguishing &treating reasons for agony, inconvenience and handicap. Amplifying &creating freedom. INFERENTIAL THERAPY SHORT WAVE DIATHERMY LONG WAVE DIATHERMY TRANS CUTANEOUS ELECTRIC STIMULATION MUSCLE STIMULATER Wet HEAT THERAPY WAX BATH Foothold Hydrocollator Cervical & Lumbar Traction TENS Other than these, we have well Equipped Exercise Lab with equipment’s like Physio-Gym-Boll, Shoulder Exerciser, Heel Exerciser, Wrist Exerciser, Cycle Exerciser, Quadriceps Table and Sensory and Perceptual Motor preparing supplies like Dressing Edges, Supinator and Pronators, Tactile Numerical Kit, Mushroom Board, Pags & Shapes, Harmony Board are likewise accessible X-Ray/Ultrasound X-Ray/Ultrasound Ultrasound All kinds of digital X-rays Pharmacy Pharmacy A well-developed medicinal plant garden with two hundred fifty species of medicinal plant Operation Theater Operation Theater An Operation Theater is facility within a hospital where surgical operations are carried out in aseptic environment also where careful tasks are completed in a sterile climate. At COER Hospitals, we have Operation Theater and Team of exceptionally prepared and experienced specialists to go for any conceivable treatment. The Operation Theater division value conveying high caliber of care in a perfect and amicable climate, conveyed by groups with a tremendous scope of ability, for every claim to fame. Inside each careful strength there is a group including theater staff, working office professionals, medical caretakers and theater aides every one of them are additionally upheld by the clean administrations staff. These help groups work intimately with the specialists and anesthetists to guarantee the most ideal nature of care for patients. Ambulance Services (24X7) Ambulance Services (24X7) As pioneers of Emergency care administrations in Roorkee, the Emergency Care focus at COER Hospitals promises you the most elevated levels of ability, aptitude and foundation. The conventions at our 24-hour crisis administration and injury care division in India are intended to react speedier. We effectively influence our multi-strength ability to convey the essential edge in crisis care. COER Hospitals is a pioneer of current crisis medication and injury care in Roorkee. We set up the ‘Public Network of Emergency Services’ to give crisis care of uniform quality guidelines the nation over. Our injury specialists are equipped every minute of every day to meet all clinical and careful crises. Convention driven frameworks guarantee results each and every time. COER Emergency Care is an experimentally evolved convention driven crisis framework. Labour Room Labour Room Labour Ward is devoted for ladies who requires expert consideration from maternity specialists and obstetricians over the span of their work. We give complete, excellent, obstetrician-drove care, upheld by specialists in birthing assistance, nursing, anesthesiology, pediatrics and physiotherapy. Our on location crisis, serious consideration and progressed indicative administrations give additional significant serenity. All types of Vaccination All types of Vaccination Hepatitis B Rotavirus Diphtheria, tetanus, & acellular pertussis Haemophilus influenzae type b Measles, mumps, rubella Influenza Varicella Tetanus, diphtheria, & acellular pertussis etc. All types of major & Minor Operation lower (uterine) segment Caesarean section (LSCS) Ovarian cyst Hysterectomy (Lap Hysterectomy) Cholecystectomy(Lap Cholecystectomy) Percutaneous Nephrolithonomy (PCNL) Appendectomy Hernioplasty Phymosis fissurectomy Kshar sutra (Piles/fissure/fistula) Excision of fibroadenoma Lipoma/cyst excision Earlobe-repair Yoga & Meditation Yoga & Meditation Meditation Kayotsarga It is the actual establishment of otherworldly sadhana.In terms of physiology, kayotsarga expands alpha beams in the mind and in the language of nervous system science, it makes a parasympathetic condition of the body. Antaryatra Take your mind to the lower end of the spinal cord, called the Centre of Energy Swash Preksha Perception of Breathing Sharir Preksha Taking the conscious mind to each and every part of the body, perceive transformations, vibrations and sensations taking place inside the body Chetanya Kendra Preksha The technique to activate the Chaitanya Kendras is to carry out visualisation of a particular energy centre and keep on focusing there which has the result of developing and maintaining control of the mind over all our actions, thus bringing about positive transformation in our thoughts and ultimately, in our behaviours and habits Leshya Dhyan In Preksha Meditation, colour meditation, also known as Leshya Dhyaan, is focused on the colour radiations in and around us Anupreksha The human mind is beset with a variety of thoughts which may be positive and negative in nature. Our thoughts can be channelled into a positive Bhavana Bhavana is an ancient discipline. It is based in part of the discipline of the historical Buddha, who lived more than 25 centuries ago and in part on even older forms of yoga.